Monday, October 15, 2012

My Italian snack box

I'm not sure what it is about snack box lunches but I just love them.  Maybe it's the variety of fresh but simple flavors and ingredients but I also think it's that I love having so many choices of what to snack on throughout the work day.

We went to Whole Foods this weekend and I stocked up on snack box type foods.  I really like taking these to work with me so I snack on healthy foods all day long.  We have a huge 7/11 looking store setup in our break room with all sorts of processed foods; this is much better for me and it tastes a heck of a lot better.

Trader Joes aged white cheddar
Whole Foods Dry Salami
Trader Joes Red Pepper spread/dip
Whole Foods garlic olives from the olive bar
Whole Foods red table grapes
Wheat crackers

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